Welcome to our blog! We are Marissa and Melissa, a couple of Hawai'i transplants living in Spokane.
About Marissa
Marissa lived in Hawai'i until university, when she moved to Oregon for school. She didn't miss home until the Fall when she realized even the rare sunny days were cold and that she couldn't play tennis whenever she wanted. However, a friend from high school had attended the same university and together, they would make local foods that reminded them of home.
After graduating, Marissa moved to Spokane, where she has been ever since. Here, she found a place to play tennis all year long, even if it is inside. Through this, she met Melissa!
About Melissa
Melissa was born and raised also in Hawai'i. She didn't leave the islands until she decided to pursue her master's degree at Eastern Washington University. She returned to Hawai'i, but the mountains were calling. Soon after, she returned to Spokane to continue her adventures. She got back into tennis and met Marissa!
And that brings us to today!
Together, we had an idea to start making Hawaiian style food to battle homesickness. That idea eventually snowballed and evolved to this, where we document our food experiments and anything else we think will be fun! Here, on our blog, you will find links to the recipes we used and find our modified recipes. On our YouTube channel, you will find videos of us making the food and learning from our mistakes. On our Instagram, we document a hodgepodge of our explorations. Join us on our food/tennis/gardening/hiking/andeverythingelsewethinkwillbefun adventures!
Marissa and Melissa
Cooking class get together please!!